Feel  5.4
The best way to improve your game's feel and make it extra juicy
Lofelt.NiceVibrations Namespace Reference


class  BallDemoBall
class  BallDemoManager
class  BallDemoWall
class  BallPusher
class  BallTouchZone
class  CarDemoManager
class  ContinuousHapticsDemoManager
class  DemoManager
class  DeviceCapabilities
 A class containing properties that describe the current device capabilities for use with Nice Vibrations
class  EmphasisHapticsDemoManager
struct  GamepadRumble
 Contains a vibration pattern to make a gamepad rumble. More...
class  GamepadRumbler
 Vibrates a gamepad based on a GamepadRumble rumble pattern.
class  HapticClip
 Represents an imported haptic clip asset. More...
class  HapticClipsDemoItem
class  HapticClipsDemoManager
class  HapticClipsDemoRotator
 A minimal, demo only class, used to rotate an image in the demo's UI More...
class  HapticController
 Provides haptic playback functionality.
class  HapticCurve
class  HapticImporter
 Provides an importer for the HapticClip component. More...
class  HapticPatterns
 A collection of methods to play simple haptic patterns.
class  HapticReceiver
 A MonoBehaviour that forwards global properties from HapticController and handles events More...
class  HapticSource
 Provides haptic playback functionality for a single haptic clip. More...
class  HapticSourceInspector
 Provides an inspector for the HapticSource component More...
class  LofeltHaptics
 C# wrapper for the Lofelt Studio Android and iOS SDK.
class  MMFPSCounter
 Add this class to a gameObject with a Text component and it'll feed it the number of FPS in real time. More...
class  MMFPSUnlock
 Add this component to any object and it'll set the target frame rate and vsync count. Note that vsync count must be 0 for the target FPS to work. More...
class  MMKnob
class  MMProgressBar
 Add this bar to an object and link it to a bar (possibly the same object the script is on), and you'll be able to resize the bar object based on a current value, located between a min and max value. See the HealthBar.cs script for a use case More...
class  MMSignal
 This class lets you output the value corresponding to one of the basic signal types it contains. Useful to draw basic signal curves. More...
class  MMSpriteReplace
 A class to add to an Image or SpriteRenderer to have it act like a button with a different sprite for on and off states More...
class  MMSwitch
 A component to handle switches More...
class  MMTouchButton
 Add this component to a GUI Image to have it act as a button. Bind pressed down, pressed continually and released actions to it from the inspector Handles mouse and multi touch More...
class  MMUIShaker
class  NiceVibrationsDemoHelpers
class  Pagination
class  PowerBarElement
class  RegularPresetsDemoManager
class  SoundSwitch
class  V2DemoManager
class  VersionNumber
class  WobbleButton
class  WobbleDemoManager