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Lofelt.NiceVibrations.HapticSourceInspector Class Reference

Provides an inspector for the HapticSource component More...

Inheritance diagram for Lofelt.NiceVibrations.HapticSourceInspector:

Public Member Functions

override void OnInspectorGUI ()

Static Public Attributes

static GUIContent hapticClipLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Haptic Clip", "The HapticClip asset played by the HapticSource.")
static GUIContent fallbackPresetLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Haptic Preset fallback", "Set the haptic preset to play in case the device doesn't support playback of haptic clips")
static GUIContent loopLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Loop", "Set the haptic source to loop playback of the haptic clip")

Detailed Description

Provides an inspector for the HapticSource component

The inspector lets you link a HapticSource to a HapticClip.

Member Function Documentation

◆ OnInspectorGUI()

override void Lofelt.NiceVibrations.HapticSourceInspector.OnInspectorGUI ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ fallbackPresetLabel

GUIContent Lofelt.NiceVibrations.HapticSourceInspector.fallbackPresetLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Haptic Preset fallback", "Set the haptic preset to play in case the device doesn't support playback of haptic clips")

◆ hapticClipLabel

GUIContent Lofelt.NiceVibrations.HapticSourceInspector.hapticClipLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Haptic Clip", "The HapticClip asset played by the HapticSource.")

◆ loopLabel

GUIContent Lofelt.NiceVibrations.HapticSourceInspector.loopLabel = EditorGUIUtility.TrTextContent("Loop", "Set the haptic source to loop playback of the haptic clip")

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