Feel  5.4
The best way to improve your game's feel and make it extra juicy
MoreMountains.Feel Namespace Reference


class  Barbarian
 A simple class controlling the hero character in the Barbarians demo scene It simulates a very simple character controller in an ARPG game More...
class  BarbarianEnemy
 A simple class used to handle enemies in Feel's Barbarian demo scene More...
class  Blob
 A simple class used to pilot Feel's Blob demo character, who simply moves on a loop when its target key is pressed More...
class  BounceFeedbacks
 A simple class used in Feel's Bounce demo scene. It's meant to be piloted by an animator, that calls animator events at certain points of its "cube jumps" animation More...
class  BounceManager
 An example class part of the Feel demos This class acts as a character controller for the Duck in the FeelDuck demo scene It looks for input, and jumps when instructed to More...
class  BounceRocks
 A class used in Feel's Bounce demo scene to push a bunch of tiny cubes in the air More...
class  Duck
 An example class part of the Feel demos This class acts as a character controller for the Duck in the FeelDuck demo scene It looks for input, and jumps when instructed to More...
class  Falcon
class  FeelBrass
class  FeelBrassGroundGenerator
 A class used in Feel's Brass demo to generate a ground that reacts to the music made of many cubes More...
class  FeelCardsUIStackButton
class  FeelDemosInputHelper
 This class contains a number of helper methods that will check for input in both the old and the new input system.
class  FeelDemosNextDemoButtonInput
 This component checks whether the user pressed Enter and plays the associated feedback if that's the case More...
class  FeelSpringsAdvancedFloatDemo
class  FeelSpringsCellMovementDemo
class  FeelSpringsComparisonDemo
class  FeelSpringsDemoManager
class  FeelSpringsDemoSlider
class  FeelSpringsFloatDemo
class  FeelSpringsVector2Demo
class  FeelSpringsVector3Demo
class  FeelSquashAndStretchCarController
class  GettingStartedTutorialHeroReference
 A very simple class used to make a character jump, designed to be used in Feel's Getting Started tutorial Yes the name is different from the one in the tutorial, it's to avoid conflicts if you were to name it exactly the same. More...
class  LettersDemoManager
 A manager used to pilot Feel's Letters demo scene It detects input, and plays corresponding feedbacks when needed More...
class  MMSequencerDemoManager
 This class handles Feel's MMSequencer demo scene, detecting input and starting/stopping its target sequencer More...
class  Snake
 A class used to handle Feel's Snake demo's snake "head", the part controlled by the player More...
class  SnakeBodyPart
 A class used to handle Feel's Snake demo's snake bodyparts More...
class  SnakeFood
 This class handles Feel's Snake demo's food objects, that the snake has to eat to score points More...
class  SnakeFoodSpawner
 A simple class used to spawn snake food in Feel's Snake demo scene More...
class  Tactical
 A class used to handle the characters in Feel's Tactical demo scene, detects input, shoots while a button is pressed, stops shooting when released, handles reload More...
class  Wheel