Feel  5.4
The best way to improve your game's feel and make it extra juicy
MoreMountains.Feel.Tactical Class Reference

A class used to handle the characters in Feel's Tactical demo scene, detects input, shoots while a button is pressed, stops shooting when released, handles reload More...

Inheritance diagram for MoreMountains.Feel.Tactical:

Public Attributes

float CooldownDuration = 0.1f
 a duration, in seconds, between two shots, during which shots are prevented More...
Transform ImpactPosition
 the position of the shot's impact More...
MMFeedbacks ShootFeedback
 a feedback to call when shooting More...
MMFeedbacks ShootStopFeedback
 a feedback to call when shooting stops More...
MMFeedbacks ReloadFeedback
 a feedback to call when a reload happens More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Update ()
 On Update we look for input More...
virtual void HandleInput ()
 Detects input More...
virtual void Shoot ()
 Shoots if possible More...
virtual void ShootStop ()
 Stops shooting More...

Protected Attributes

float _lastJumpStartedAt = -100f
int _magazine = 15

Detailed Description

A class used to handle the characters in Feel's Tactical demo scene, detects input, shoots while a button is pressed, stops shooting when released, handles reload

Member Function Documentation

◆ HandleInput()

virtual void MoreMountains.Feel.Tactical.HandleInput ( )

Detects input

◆ Shoot()

virtual void MoreMountains.Feel.Tactical.Shoot ( )

Shoots if possible

◆ ShootStop()

virtual void MoreMountains.Feel.Tactical.ShootStop ( )

Stops shooting

◆ Update()

virtual void MoreMountains.Feel.Tactical.Update ( )

On Update we look for input

Member Data Documentation

◆ _lastJumpStartedAt

float MoreMountains.Feel.Tactical._lastJumpStartedAt = -100f

◆ _magazine

int MoreMountains.Feel.Tactical._magazine = 15

◆ CooldownDuration

float MoreMountains.Feel.Tactical.CooldownDuration = 0.1f

a duration, in seconds, between two shots, during which shots are prevented

◆ ImpactPosition

Transform MoreMountains.Feel.Tactical.ImpactPosition

the position of the shot's impact

◆ ReloadFeedback

MMFeedbacks MoreMountains.Feel.Tactical.ReloadFeedback

a feedback to call when a reload happens

◆ ShootFeedback

MMFeedbacks MoreMountains.Feel.Tactical.ShootFeedback

a feedback to call when shooting

◆ ShootStopFeedback

MMFeedbacks MoreMountains.Feel.Tactical.ShootStopFeedback

a feedback to call when shooting stops

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: