This page explains how to use the finite state machine included in Feel.

What’s a state machine?

A state machine (or finite state machine) is a mathematical model of computation. It is an abstract machine that can be in exactly one of a finite number of states at any given time. It’s a design pattern frequently used in games, to keep track of the state of a character, of a weapon, of the progress of a character, etc.

Feel comes with a simple class, MMStateMachine, that you can use if you want to, which handles state machines, storing states, and triggering events to act on these changes.

Creating a state machine

The class below shows you a typical use case of a state machine. This class simulates a character controller, reading input and “jumping” or “dashing” based on it. To test it, simply create a new empty scene, create a new empty game object, call it “MyTestCharacter”, and add a MyCharacter component to it. Once you press play, a debug on-screen console will display the current state of your “character”. Once you start pressing space, D or R, it’ll change state to new ones.

using MoreMountains.Tools;
using UnityEngine;

/// a demo class of a very basic character controller. It reads input and updates a state machine.
public class MyCharacter : MonoBehaviour
    /// we declare all the possible states for our finite state machine
    public enum MovementStates { Null, Idle, Walking, Running, Dashing, Jumping }
    /// we declare our state machine, and specify it'll work on MovementStates
    public MMStateMachine<MovementStates> MovementState;

    /// on Awake we initialize our state machine
    private void Awake()
        MovementState = new MMStateMachine<MovementStates>(this.gameObject, true);

    /// on Update we look for input and trigger our character controller's methods accordingly
    /// each of these methods change the current state of our character on our state machine
    /// In a real controller they would also apply forces, move our character around, change its speed, etc
    private void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("space"))
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("d"))
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("r"))

        // we also output the current state to our on-screen debug console
        MMDebug.DebugOnScreen("Current Character State", MovementState.CurrentState);

    private void Jump()

    private void Dash()

    private void Run()

Listening to state changes

From any class, this system lets you listen to state changes, and act on them. It then becomes very easy to do things “when exiting the jump state” or “when entering the dashing state”. The following class shows you how it’s done. To test it, in the same scene as before, on the same object, or on another in your scene, add a MyListeningClass component.

using MoreMountains.Tools;
using UnityEngine;

/// an example of a listening class that will act when the character changes state
public class MyListeningClass : MonoBehaviour, MMEventListener<MMStateChangeEvent<MyCharacter.MovementStates>>
    // on enable we start listening for event changes   
    private void OnEnable()

    // on disable we stop listening for event changes
    private void OnDisable()

    // when we catch a new state change event, we can then play any logic we want
    public void OnMMEvent(MMStateChangeEvent<MyCharacter.MovementStates> movementStateEvent)
        // we can do stuff based on the new state our state machine is now in
        switch (movementStateEvent.NewState)
            case MyCharacter.MovementStates.Jumping:
                Debug.Log("we're jumping now");
            case MyCharacter.MovementStates.Dashing:
                Debug.Log("we're dashing now");

        // or based on the state it was in previously
        switch (movementStateEvent.PreviousState)
            case MyCharacter.MovementStates.Running:
                // we can also always get a reference to the gameobject that triggered the event
                Debug.Log("object "+movementStateEvent.Target+" was running but we're not running anymore");