This feedback will let you play a sound via the MMSoundManager. You will need a game object in your scene with a MMSoundManager object on it for this to work.
override void | InitializeCustomAttributes () |
| Initializes the debug buttons More...
virtual void | RandomizeTimes () |
| Randomizes playback time and playback duration More...
override void | OnDrawGizmosSelectedHandler () |
| Triggered when the host MMF Player gets selected, can be used to draw gizmos More...
override void | AutomaticShakerSetup () |
| Automatically tries to add a MMSoundManager to the scene if none are present More...
virtual void | ResetSequentialIndex () |
| Forces a reset of the sequential index to 0 More...
virtual void | SetSequentialIndex (int newIndex) |
| Forces a reset of the sequential index to the value specified in parameters More...
override void | OnValidate () |
| On validate we randomize our times More...
virtual float | ComputeIntensity (float intensity, Vector3 position) |
| Computes the new intensity, taking into account constant intensity and potential randomness More...
virtual void | CacheRequiresSetup () |
virtual bool | EvaluateRequiresSetup () |
| Override this method to determine if a feedback requires setup More...
virtual void | SetFeedbackDuration (float newDuration) |
| Use this method to change the duration of this feedback More...
virtual void | PreInitialization (MMF_Player owner, int index) |
| Runs at Awake, lets you preinitialize your custom feedback before Initialization More...
virtual void | Initialization (MMF_Player owner, int index) |
| Typically runs on Start, Initializes the feedback and its timing related variables More...
virtual void | SetIndexInFeedbacksList (int index) |
| Lets you specify at what index this feedback is in the list - use carefully (or don't use at all) More...
virtual void | ForceAutomateTargetAcquisition () |
| Lets you force target acquisition, outside of initialization where it usually occurs More...
virtual void | Play (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Plays the feedback More...
virtual void | SetSequence (MMSequence newSequence) |
| Use this method to change this feedback's sequence at runtime More...
virtual void | Stop (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Stops all feedbacks from playing. Will stop repeating feedbacks, and call custom stop implementations More...
virtual void | SkipToTheEnd (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Called when skipping to the end of MMF_Player, calls custom Skip on all feedbacks More...
virtual void | ForceInitialValue (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Forces the feedback to set its initial value (behavior will change from feedback to feedback, but for example, a Position feedback that moves a Transform from point A to B would automatically move the Transform to point A when ForceInitialState is called More...
virtual void | RestoreInitialValues () |
| Called when restoring the initial state of a player, calls custom Restore on all feedbacks More...
virtual void | ResetFeedback () |
| Calls this feedback's custom reset More...
virtual void | PlayerComplete () |
| This gets called by the MMF Player when all feedbacks have completed playing More...
virtual void | SetDelayBetweenRepeats (float delay) |
| Use this method to specify a new delay between repeats at runtime More...
virtual void | SetInitialDelay (float delay) |
| Use this method to specify a new initial delay at runtime More...
virtual void | ComputeNewRandomDurationMultiplier () |
| Computes a new random duration multiplier More...
virtual void | ResetPlayCount () |
| Resets the play count of this feedback More...
virtual void | ComputeTotalDuration () |
| Computes the total duration of this feedback More...
virtual void | OnAddFeedback () |
| Triggered when the feedback gets added to the player More...
virtual void | OnDestroy () |
| Triggered when that feedback gets destroyed More...
virtual void | OnDisable () |
| Triggered when the host MMF Player gets disabled More...
override bool | HasRandomness => true |
AudioClip | Sfx |
| the sound clip to play More...
AudioClip[] | RandomSfx |
| an array to pick a random sfx from More...
bool | SequentialOrder = false |
| if this is true, random sfx audio clips will be played in sequential order instead of at random More...
bool | SequentialOrderHoldLast = false |
| if we're in sequential order, determines whether or not to hold at the last index, until either a cooldown is met, or the ResetSequentialIndex method is called More...
float | SequentialOrderHoldCooldownDuration = 2f |
| if we're in sequential order hold last mode, index will reset to 0 automatically after this duration, unless it's 0, in which case it'll be ignored More...
bool | RandomUnique = false |
| if this is true, sfx will be picked at random until all have been played. once this happens, the list is shuffled again, and it starts over More...
MMF_MMSoundManagerSoundData | SoundDataSO |
| a scriptable object (created via the Create/MoreMountains/Audio/MMF_SoundData menu) to define settings that will override all other settings on this feedback More...
float | MinVolume = 1f |
| the minimum volume to play the sound at More...
float | MaxVolume = 1f |
| the maximum volume to play the sound at More...
float | MinPitch = 1f |
| the minimum pitch to play the sound at More...
float | MaxPitch = 1f |
| the maximum pitch to play the sound at More...
MMSoundManager.MMSoundManagerTracks | MmSoundManagerTrack = MMSoundManager.MMSoundManagerTracks.Sfx |
| the track on which to play the sound. Pick the one that matches the nature of your sound More...
int | ID = 0 |
| the ID of the sound. This is useful if you plan on using sound control feedbacks on it afterwards. More...
AudioMixerGroup | AudioGroup = null |
| the AudioGroup on which to play the sound. If you're already targeting a preset track, you can leave it blank, otherwise the group you specify here will override it. More...
AudioSource | RecycleAudioSource = null |
| if (for some reason) you've already got an audiosource and wouldn't like to use the built-in pool system, you can specify it here More...
bool | Loop = false |
| whether or not this sound should loop More...
bool | Persistent = false |
| whether or not this sound should continue playing when transitioning to another scene More...
bool | DoNotPlayIfClipAlreadyPlaying = false |
| whether or not this sound should play if the same sound clip is already playing More...
bool | StopSoundOnFeedbackStop = false |
| if this is true, this sound will stop playing when stopping the feedback More...
bool | Fade = false |
| whether or not to fade this sound in when playing it More...
float | FadeInitialVolume = 0f |
| if fading, the volume at which to start the fade More...
float | FadeDuration = 1f |
| if fading, the duration of the fade, in seconds More...
MMTweenType | FadeTween = new MMTweenType(MMTween.MMTweenCurve.EaseInOutQuartic) |
| if fading, the tween over which to fade the sound More...
bool | SoloSingleTrack = false |
| whether or not this sound should play in solo mode over its destination track. If yes, all other sounds on that track will be muted when this sound starts playing More...
bool | SoloAllTracks = false |
| whether or not this sound should play in solo mode over all other tracks. If yes, all other tracks will be muted when this sound starts playing More...
bool | AutoUnSoloOnEnd = false |
| if in any of the above solo modes, AutoUnSoloOnEnd will unmute the track(s) automatically once that sound stops playing More...
float | PanStereo |
| Pans a playing sound in a stereo way (left or right). This only applies to sounds that are Mono or Stereo. More...
float | SpatialBlend |
| Sets how much this AudioSource is affected by 3D spatialisation calculations (attenuation, doppler etc). 0.0 makes the sound full 2D, 1.0 makes it full 3D. More...
Transform | AttachToTransform |
| a Transform this sound can 'attach' to and follow it along as it plays More...
bool | BypassEffects = false |
| Bypass effects (Applied from filter components or global listener filters). More...
bool | BypassListenerEffects = false |
| When set global effects on the AudioListener will not be applied to the audio signal generated by the AudioSource. Does not apply if the AudioSource is playing into a mixer group. More...
bool | BypassReverbZones = false |
| When set doesn't route the signal from an AudioSource into the global reverb associated with reverb zones. More...
int | Priority = 128 |
| Sets the priority of the AudioSource. More...
float | ReverbZoneMix = 1f |
| The amount by which the signal from the AudioSource will be mixed into the global reverb associated with the Reverb Zones. More...
Vector2 | PlaybackTime = new Vector2(0f, 0f) |
| a timestamp (in seconds, randomized between the defined min and max) at which the sound will start playing, equivalent to the Audiosource API's Time) More...
Vector2 | PlaybackDuration = new Vector2(0f, 0f) |
| a duration (in seconds, randomized between the defined min and max) for which the sound will play before stopping. Ignored if min and max are zero. More...
float | DopplerLevel = 1f |
| Sets the Doppler scale for this AudioSource. More...
int | Spread = 0 |
| Sets the spread angle (in degrees) of a 3d stereo or multichannel sound in speaker space. More...
AudioRolloffMode | RolloffMode = AudioRolloffMode.Logarithmic |
| Sets/Gets how the AudioSource attenuates over distance. More...
float | MinDistance = 1f |
| Within the Min distance the AudioSource will cease to grow louder in volume. More...
float | MaxDistance = 500f |
| (Logarithmic rolloff) MaxDistance is the distance a sound stops attenuating at. More...
bool | UseCustomRolloffCurve = false |
| whether or not to use a custom curve for custom volume rolloff More...
AnimationCurve | CustomRolloffCurve |
| the curve to use for custom volume rolloff if UseCustomRolloffCurve is true More...
bool | UseSpatialBlendCurve = false |
| whether or not to use a custom curve for spatial blend More...
AnimationCurve | SpatialBlendCurve |
| the curve to use for custom spatial blend if UseSpatialBlendCurve is true More...
bool | UseReverbZoneMixCurve = false |
| whether or not to use a custom curve for reverb zone mix More...
AnimationCurve | ReverbZoneMixCurve |
| the curve to use for custom reverb zone mix if UseReverbZoneMixCurve is true More...
bool | UseSpreadCurve = false |
| whether or not to use a custom curve for spread More...
AnimationCurve | SpreadCurve |
| the curve to use for custom spread if UseSpreadCurve is true More...
bool | DrawGizmos = false |
| whether or not to draw sound falloff gizmos when this MMF Player is selected More...
Transform | GizmosCenter |
| an object to use as the center of the gizmos. If left empty, this MMF Player's position will be used. More...
Color | MinDistanceColor = MMColors.CadetBlue |
| the color to use to draw the min distance sphere of the sound falloff gizmos More...
Color | MaxDistanceColor = MMColors.Orangered |
| the color to use to draw the max distance sphere of the sound falloff gizmos More...
MMF_Button | TestPlayButton |
| a test button used to play the sound in inspector More...
MMF_Button | TestStopButton |
| a test button used to stop the sound in inspector More...
MMF_Button | ResetSequentialIndexButton |
| a test button used to stop the sound in inspector More...
bool | Active = true |
| whether or not this feedback is active More...
int | UniqueID |
string | Label = "MMFeedback" |
| the name of this feedback to display in the inspector More...
MMChannelModes | ChannelMode = MMChannelModes.Int |
int | Channel = 0 |
| the ID of the channel on which this feedback will communicate More...
MMChannel | MMChannelDefinition = null |
float | Chance = 100f |
| the chance of this feedback happening (in percent : 100 : happens all the time, 0 : never happens, 50 : happens once every two calls, etc) More...
Color | DisplayColor = |
| use this color to customize the background color of the feedback in the MMF_Player's list More...
MMFeedbackTiming | Timing |
| a number of timing-related values (delay, repeat, etc) More...
MMFeedbackTargetAcquisition | AutomatedTargetAcquisition |
| a set of settings letting you define automated target acquisition for this feedback, to (for example) automatically grab the target on this game object, or a parent, a child, or on a reference holder More...
bool | RandomizeOutput = false |
| if this is true, intensity will be multiplied by a random value on play, picked between RandomMultiplier.x and RandomMultiplier.y More...
Vector2 | RandomMultiplier = new Vector2(0.8f, 1f) |
| a random value (randomized between its x and y) by which to multiply the output of this feedback, if RandomizeOutput is true More...
bool | RandomizeDuration = false |
| if this is true, this feedback's duration will be multiplied by a random value on play, picked between RandomDurationMultiplier.x and RandomDurationMultiplier.y More...
Vector2 | RandomDurationMultiplier = new Vector2(0.5f, 2f) |
| a random value (randomized between its x and y) by which to multiply the duration of this feedback, if RandomizeDuration is true More...
bool | UseRange = false |
| if this is true, only shakers within the specified range will respond to this feedback More...
float | RangeDistance = 5f |
| when in UseRange mode, only shakers within that distance will respond to this feedback More...
bool | UseRangeFalloff = false |
| when in UseRange mode, whether or not to modify the shake intensity based on the RangeFallOff curve
AnimationCurve | RangeFalloff = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0f, 1f), new Keyframe(1f, 0f)) |
| the animation curve to use to define falloff (on the x 0 represents the range center, 1 represents the max distance to it) More...
Vector2 | RemapRangeFalloff = new Vector2(0f, 1f) |
| the values to remap the falloff curve's y axis' 0 and 1 More...
MMF_Button | AutomaticShakerSetupButton |
| a button used to attempt an auto shaker setup for this feedback, adding whatever shaker it requires to function to the scene More...
MMF_Player | Owner |
| the Owner of the feedback, as defined when calling the Initialization method More...
bool | DebugActive = false |
| whether or not this feedback is in debug mode More...
virtual IEnumerator | Pause => null |
| set this to true if your feedback should pause the execution of the feedback sequence More...
virtual bool | HoldingPause => false |
| if this is true, this feedback will wait until all previous feedbacks have run More...
virtual bool | LooperPause => false |
| if this is true, this feedback will wait until all previous feedbacks have run, then run all previous feedbacks again More...
virtual bool | LooperStart => false |
| if this is true, this feedback will wait until all previous feedbacks have run, then run all previous feedbacks again More...
virtual bool | HasChannel => false |
| if this is true, the Channel property will be displayed, otherwise it'll be hidden
virtual bool | HasAutomaticShakerSetup => false |
| if this is true, this feedback will display an automatic shaker setup button
virtual bool | HasRandomness => false |
| if this is true, the Randomness group will be displayed, otherwise it'll be hidden
virtual bool | CanForceInitialValue => false |
| if this is true, this feedback implements ForceInitialState, otherwise calling that method will have no effect More...
virtual bool | ForceInitialValueDelayed => false |
| if this is true, force initial value will happen over two frames More...
virtual bool | HasAutomatedTargetAcquisition => false |
| whether or not this feedback can automatically grab the target on this game object, or a parent, a child, or on a reference holder More...
virtual bool | HasRange => false |
| if this is true, the Range group will be displayed, otherwise it'll be hidden
virtual int | PlaysLeft => _playsLeft |
| the total amount of plays this feedback has left More...
virtual bool | HasCustomInspectors => false |
virtual bool | InCooldown |
| returns true if this feedback is in cooldown at this time (and thus can't play), false otherwise More...
virtual float | ComputedRandomMultiplier |
| Returns the random multiplier to apply to this feedback's output More...
virtual bool | RequiresSetup => _requiresSetup |
| A flag used to determine if a feedback has all it needs, or if it requires some extra setup. This flag will be used to display a warning icon in the inspector if the feedback is not ready to be played. More...
virtual string | RequiredTarget => _requiredTarget |
virtual bool | DrawGroupInspectors => true |
| if this is true, group inspectors will be displayed within this feedback More...
virtual bool | DisplayFullHeaderColor => false |
| if this is true, the feedback will be displayed in the MMF Player's list with a full color background, as opposed to just a small line on the left More...
virtual string | RequiresSetupText => "This feedback requires some additional setup." |
| defines the setup text that will be displayed on the feedback, should setup be required More...
virtual string | RequiredTargetText => "" |
| the text used to describe the required target More...
virtual string | RequiredTargetTextExtra => "" |
| the text used to describe the required target, if more info is needed More...
virtual float | FeedbackStartedAt => Application.isPlaying ? _lastPlayTimestamp : -1f |
virtual bool | FeedbackPlaying |
| whether or not this feedback is playing right now More...
virtual MMChannelData | ChannelData => _channelData.Set(ChannelMode, Channel, MMChannelDefinition) |
| a ChannelData object, ready to pass to an event More...
override void | CustomInitialization (MMF_Player owner) |
| This method describes all custom initialization processes the feedback requires, in addition to the main Initialization method More...
override void | CustomPlayFeedback (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Plays either a random sound or the specified sfx More...
override void | CustomStopFeedback (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1) |
| On Stop, we stop our sound if needed More...
virtual void | HandleSO () |
| If a scriptable object is specified, we grab its values More...
virtual void | PlaySound (AudioClip sfx, Vector3 position, float intensity) |
| Triggers a play sound event More...
virtual float | GetDuration () |
| Returns the duration of the sound, or of the longest of the random sounds More...
virtual float | ComputeDuration (AudioClip sfx, AudioClip[] randomSfx) |
virtual async void | TestPlaySound () |
| A test method that creates an audiosource, plays it, and destroys itself after play More...
virtual void | TestStopSound () |
| A test method that stops the test sound More...
virtual void | PlayAudioSource (AudioSource audioSource, AudioClip sfx, float volume, float pitch, float time, float playbackDuration) |
| Plays the audio source with the specified volume and pitch More...
virtual AudioClip | PickRandomClip () |
| Determines the next index to play when dealing with random clips More...
virtual void | AutomateTargetAcquisitionInternal () |
| Performs automated target acquisition, if needed More...
virtual void | AutomateTargetAcquisition () |
| A method meant to be implemented per feedback letting you specify what happens (usually setting a target) More...
virtual GameObject | FindAutomatedTargetGameObject () |
virtual T | FindAutomatedTarget< T > () |
virtual IEnumerator | PlayCoroutine (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| An internal coroutine delaying the initial play of the feedback More...
virtual void | RegularPlay (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Triggers delaying coroutines if needed More...
virtual void | TriggerCustomPlay (Vector3 position, float intensity) |
| Triggers a custom play More...
virtual IEnumerator | InfinitePlay (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Internal coroutine used for repeated play without end More...
virtual IEnumerator | RepeatedPlay (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| Internal coroutine used for repeated play More...
virtual IEnumerator | TriggerRepeatedPlay (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
virtual IEnumerator | SequenceCoroutine (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| A coroutine used to play this feedback on a sequence More...
virtual IEnumerator | ForceInitialValueDelayedCo (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| A coroutine used to delay the Stop when forcing initial values (used mostly with shaker based feedbacks) More...
virtual float | ApplyTimeMultiplier (float duration) |
| Applies the host MMFeedbacks' time multiplier to this feedback More...
virtual IEnumerator | WaitFor (float delay) |
| Internal method used to wait for a duration, on scaled or unscaled time More...
virtual float | ApplyDirection (float normalizedTime) |
| Returns a new value of the normalized time based on the current play direction of this feedback More...
virtual void | CustomSkipToTheEnd (Vector3 position, float feedbacksIntensity=1.0f) |
| This method describes what happens when the feedback gets skipped to the end More...
virtual void | CustomRestoreInitialValues () |
| This method describes what happens when the feedback gets restored More...
virtual void | CustomPlayerComplete () |
| This method describes what happens when the player this feedback belongs to completes playing More...
virtual void | CustomReset () |
| This method describes what happens when the feedback gets reset More...