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MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFloatingTextMeshPro Class Reference

A floating text variant using TextMeshPro instead of regular TextMesh More...

Inheritance diagram for MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFloatingTextMeshPro:

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFloatingText
virtual float GetTime ()
virtual float GetDeltaTime ()
virtual void SetUseUnscaledTime (bool status, bool resetStartedAt)
 Changes whether or not this floating text should use unscaled time More...
virtual void SetProperties (string value, float lifetime, Vector3 direction, bool animateMovement, MMFloatingTextSpawner.AlignmentModes alignmentMode, Vector3 fixedAlignment, bool alwaysFaceCamera, Camera targetCamera, bool animateX, AnimationCurve animateXCurve, float remapXZero, float remapXOne, bool animateY, AnimationCurve animateYCurve, float remapYZero, float remapYOne, bool animateZ, AnimationCurve animateZCurve, float remapZZero, float remapZOne, bool animateOpacity, AnimationCurve animateOpacityCurve, float remapOpacityZero, float remapOpacityOne, bool animateScale, AnimationCurve animateScaleCurve, float remapScaleZero, float remapScaleOne, bool animateColor, Gradient animateColorGradient)
 Called by the spawner, sets all required variables More...
virtual void ResetPosition ()
 Resets this text's position More...
virtual void SetText (string newValue)
 Sets the target mesh's text value More...
virtual void SetColor (Color newColor)
 Sets the color of the target text More...
virtual void SetOpacity (float newOpacity)
 Sets the opacity of the target text More...
- Public Attributes inherited from MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFloatingText
Transform MovingPart
 the part of the prefab that we'll move More...
Transform Billboard
 the part of the prefab that we'll rotate to face the target camera More...
TextMesh TargetTextMesh
 the TextMesh used to display the value More...
MMFollowTarget FollowTarget
 the MMFollowTarget component associated to this floating text More...
Vector3 Direction = Vector3.up
 the direction of this floating text, used for debug only More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFloatingText
virtual void OnEnable ()
 On enable, we initialize our floating text More...
virtual void Initialization ()
 Stores start time and initial color More...
virtual void Update ()
 On Update we move our text More...
virtual void UpdateFloatingText ()
 Handles the text's life cycle, movement, scale, color, opacity, alignment and billboard More...
virtual void HandleMovement ()
 Moves the text along the specified curves More...
virtual void HandleColor ()
 Animates the text's color over the specified gradient More...
virtual void HandleOpacity ()
 Animates the text's opacity over the specified curve More...
virtual void HandleScale ()
 Animates the text's scale over the specified curve More...
virtual void HandleAlignment ()
 Handles text rotation to match either a fixed alignment, the initial direction or the movement's direction More...
virtual void HandleBillboard ()
 Forces the text to face the camera More...
virtual void TurnOff ()
 Turns of the text for recycling More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from MoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFloatingText
bool _useUnscaledTime = false
float _startedAt
float _lifetime
Vector3 _newPosition
Color _initialTextColor
bool _animateMovement
bool _animateX
AnimationCurve _animateXCurve
float _remapXZero
float _remapXOne
bool _animateY
AnimationCurve _animateYCurve
float _remapYZero
float _remapYOne
bool _animateZ
AnimationCurve _animateZCurve
float _remapZZero
float _remapZOne
MMFloatingTextSpawner.AlignmentModes _alignmentMode
Vector3 _fixedAlignment
Vector3 _movementDirection
Vector3 _movingPartPositionLastFrame
bool _alwaysFaceCamera
Camera _targetCamera
Quaternion _targetCameraRotation
bool _animateOpacity
AnimationCurve _animateOpacityCurve
float _remapOpacityZero
float _remapOpacityOne
bool _animateScale
AnimationCurve _animateScaleCurve
float _remapScaleZero
float _remapScaleOne
bool _animateColor
Gradient _animateColorGradient
Vector3 _newScale
Color _newColor
float _elapsedTime
float _remappedTime

Detailed Description

A floating text variant using TextMeshPro instead of regular TextMesh

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: