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MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar Class Reference

Add this bar to an object and link it to a bar (possibly the same object the script is on), and you'll be able to resize the bar object based on a current value, located between a min and max value. See the HealthBar.cs script for a use case More...

Inheritance diagram for MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar:

Public Types

enum  MMProgressBarStates {
  MMProgressBarStates.Idle, MMProgressBarStates.Decreasing, MMProgressBarStates.Increasing, MMProgressBarStates.InDecreasingDelay,
enum  FillModes {
  FillModes.LocalScale, FillModes.FillAmount, FillModes.Width, FillModes.Height,
 the possible fill modes More...
enum  BarDirections { BarDirections.LeftToRight, BarDirections.RightToLeft, BarDirections.UpToDown, BarDirections.DownToUp }
 the possible directions for the fill (for local scale and fill amount only) More...
enum  TimeScales { TimeScales.UnscaledTime, TimeScales.Time }
 the possible timescales the bar can work on More...
enum  BarFillModes { BarFillModes.SpeedBased, BarFillModes.FixedDuration }
 the possible ways to animate the bar fill More...

Public Member Functions

virtual void UpdateBar01 (float normalizedValue)
 Updates the bar's values, using a normalized value More...
virtual void UpdateBar (float currentValue, float minValue, float maxValue)
 Updates the bar's values based on the specified parameters More...
virtual void SetBar (float currentValue, float minValue, float maxValue)
 Sets the bar value to the one specified More...
virtual void SetBar01 (float newPercent)
 Sets the bar value to the normalized value set in parameter More...
virtual void Initialization ()
virtual void Plus10Percent ()
 Test method - increases the bar's current value by 10% More...
virtual void Minus10Percent ()
 Test method - decreases the bar's current value by 10% More...
virtual void Plus20Percent ()
 Test method - increases the bar's current value by 20% More...
virtual void Minus20Percent ()
 Test method - decreases the bar's current value by 20% More...
virtual void Bump ()
 Triggers a camera bump More...
virtual void ShowBar ()
 A simple method you can call to show the bar (set active true) More...
virtual void HideBar (float delay)
 Hides (SetActive false) the progress bar object, after an optional delay More...

Public Attributes

string PlayerID
 optional - the ID of the player associated to this bar More...
Transform ForegroundBar
 the main, foreground bar More...
Transform DelayedBarDecreasing
 the delayed bar that will show when moving from a value to a new, lower value More...
Transform DelayedBarIncreasing
 the delayed bar that will show when moving from a value to a new, higher value More...
float MinimumBarFillValue = 0f
 the local scale or fillamount value to reach when the value associated to the bar is at 0% More...
float MaximumBarFillValue = 1f
 the local scale or fillamount value to reach when the bar is full More...
bool SetInitialFillValueOnStart = false
 whether or not to initialize the value of the bar on start More...
float InitialFillValue = 0f
 the initial value of the bar More...
BarDirections BarDirection = BarDirections.LeftToRight
 the direction this bar moves to More...
FillModes FillMode = FillModes.LocalScale
 the foreground bar's fill mode More...
TimeScales TimeScale = TimeScales.UnscaledTime
 defines whether the bar will work on scaled or unscaled time (whether or not it'll keep moving if time is slowed down for example) More...
BarFillModes BarFillMode = BarFillModes.SpeedBased
 the selected fill animation mode More...
bool LerpForegroundBar = true
 whether or not the foreground bar should lerp More...
float LerpForegroundBarSpeedDecreasing = 15f
 the speed at which to lerp the foreground bar More...
float LerpForegroundBarSpeedIncreasing = 15f
 the speed at which to lerp the foreground bar if value is increasing More...
float LerpForegroundBarDurationDecreasing = 0.2f
 the speed at which to lerp the foreground bar if speed is decreasing More...
float LerpForegroundBarDurationIncreasing = 0.2f
 the duration each update of the foreground bar should take (only if in fixed duration bar fill mode) More...
AnimationCurve LerpForegroundBarCurveDecreasing = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)
 the curve to use when animating the foreground bar fill decreasing More...
AnimationCurve LerpForegroundBarCurveIncreasing = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)
 the curve to use when animating the foreground bar fill increasing More...
float DecreasingDelay = 1f
 the delay before the delayed bar moves (in seconds) More...
bool LerpDecreasingDelayedBar = true
 whether or not the delayed bar's animation should lerp More...
float LerpDecreasingDelayedBarSpeed = 15f
 the speed at which to lerp the delayed bar More...
float LerpDecreasingDelayedBarDuration = 0.2f
 the duration each update of the foreground bar should take (only if in fixed duration bar fill mode) More...
AnimationCurve LerpDecreasingDelayedBarCurve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)
 the curve to use when animating the delayed bar fill More...
float IncreasingDelay = 1f
 the delay before the delayed bar moves (in seconds) More...
bool LerpIncreasingDelayedBar = true
 whether or not the delayed bar's animation should lerp More...
float LerpIncreasingDelayedBarSpeed = 15f
 the speed at which to lerp the delayed bar More...
float LerpIncreasingDelayedBarDuration = 0.2f
 the duration each update of the foreground bar should take (only if in fixed duration bar fill mode) More...
AnimationCurve LerpIncreasingDelayedBarCurve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)
 the curve to use when animating the delayed bar fill More...
bool BumpScaleOnChange = true
 whether or not the bar should "bump" when changing value More...
bool BumpOnIncrease = false
 whether or not the bar should bump when its value increases More...
bool BumpOnDecrease = false
 whether or not the bar should bump when its value decreases More...
float BumpDuration = 0.2f
 the duration of the bump animation More...
bool ChangeColorWhenBumping = true
 whether or not the bar should flash when bumping More...
bool StoreBarColorOnPlay = true
 whether or not to store the initial bar color before a bump More...
Color BumpColor = Color.white
 the color to apply to the bar when bumping More...
AnimationCurve BumpScaleAnimationCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(1, 1), new Keyframe(0.3f, 1.05f), new Keyframe(1, 1))
 the curve to map the bump animation on More...
AnimationCurve BumpColorAnimationCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0), new Keyframe(0.3f, 1f), new Keyframe(1, 0))
 the curve to map the bump animation color animation on More...
bool ApplyBumpIntensityMultiplier = false
 if this is true, the BumpIntensityMultiplier curve will be evaluated to apply a multiplier to the bump intensity More...
AnimationCurve BumpIntensityMultiplier = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(-1, 1), new Keyframe(1, 1))
 the curve to map the bump's intensity on. x is the delta of the bump, y is the associated multiplier More...
UnityEvent OnBump
 an event to trigger every time the bar bumps More...
UnityEvent< float > OnBumpIntensity
 an event to trigger every time the bar bumps, with its bump intensity (based on BumpDeltaMultiplier) in parameter More...
UnityEvent OnBarMovementDecreasingStart
 an event to trigger every time the bar starts decreasing More...
UnityEvent OnBarMovementDecreasingStop
 an event to trigger every time the bar stops decreasing More...
UnityEvent OnBarMovementIncreasingStart
 an event to trigger every time the bar starts increasing More...
UnityEvent OnBarMovementIncreasingStop
 an event to trigger every time the bar stops increasing More...
Text PercentageText
 a Text object to update with the bar's value More...
string TextPrefix
 a prefix to always add to the bar's value display More...
string TextSuffix
 a suffix to always add to the bar's value display More...
float TextValueMultiplier = 1f
 a value multiplier to always apply to the bar's value when displaying it More...
string TextFormat = "{000}"
 the format in which the text should display More...
bool DisplayTotal = false
 whether or not to display the total after the current value More...
string TotalSeparator = " / "
 if DisplayTotal is true, the separator to put between the current value and the total More...
float DebugNewTargetValue
 the value the bar will move to if you press the DebugSet button More...
bool DebugUpdateBarButton
bool DebugSetBarButton
bool TestBumpButton
bool Plus10PercentButton
bool Minus10PercentButton
float BarProgress
 the current progress of the bar, ideally read only More...
float BarTarget
 the value towards which the bar is currently interpolating, ideally read only More...
float DelayedBarIncreasingProgress
 the current progress of the delayed bar increasing More...
float DelayedBarDecreasingProgress
 the current progress of the delayed bar decreasing More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual void Start ()
 On start we store our image component More...
virtual void OnEnable ()
virtual void StoreInitialColor ()
virtual void DebugUpdateBar ()
 This test method, called via the inspector button of the same name, lets you test what happens when you update the bar to a certain value More...
virtual void DebugSetBar ()
 Test method More...
virtual void UpdateText ()
virtual IEnumerator UpdateBarsCo ()
 On Update we update our bars More...
virtual void DetermineDeltaTime ()
virtual void DetermineDirection ()
virtual void UpdateBars ()
 Updates the foreground bar's scale More...
virtual float ComputeNewFill (bool lerpBar, float barSpeed, float barDuration, AnimationCurve barCurve, float delay, float lastPercent, out float t)
virtual void SetBarInternal (float newAmount, Transform bar, Image image, Vector2 initialSize)
virtual IEnumerator BumpCoroutine (float intensityMultiplier)
 A coroutine that (usually quickly) changes the scale of the bar More...
virtual IEnumerator HideBarCo (float delay)
 An internal coroutine used to handle the disabling of the progress bar after a delay More...

Protected Attributes

bool _initialized
Vector2 _initialBarSize
Color _initialColor
Vector3 _initialScale
Image _foregroundImage
Image _delayedDecreasingImage
Image _delayedIncreasingImage
Vector3 _targetLocalScale = Vector3.one
float _newPercent
float _percentLastTimeBarWasUpdated
float _lastUpdateTimestamp
float _time
float _deltaTime
int _direction
Coroutine _coroutine
bool _coroutineShouldRun = false
bool _isDelayedBarIncreasingNotNull
bool _isDelayedBarDecreasingNotNull
bool _actualUpdate
Vector2 _anchorVector
float _delayedBarDecreasingProgress
float _delayedBarIncreasingProgress
MMProgressBarStates CurrentState = MMProgressBarStates.Idle
string _updatedText
string _totalText
bool _isForegroundBarNotNull
bool _isForegroundImageNotNull
bool _isPercentageTextNotNull
bool _isPercentageTextMeshProNotNull


virtual bool Bumping [get, protected set]
 whether or not the bar is bumping right now More...

Detailed Description

Add this bar to an object and link it to a bar (possibly the same object the script is on), and you'll be able to resize the bar object based on a current value, located between a min and max value. See the HealthBar.cs script for a use case

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ BarDirections

the possible directions for the fill (for local scale and fill amount only)


◆ BarFillModes

the possible ways to animate the bar fill


◆ FillModes

the possible fill modes


◆ MMProgressBarStates


◆ TimeScales

the possible timescales the bar can work on


Member Function Documentation

◆ Bump()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.Bump ( )

Triggers a camera bump

◆ BumpCoroutine()

virtual IEnumerator MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.BumpCoroutine ( float  intensityMultiplier)

A coroutine that (usually quickly) changes the scale of the bar

The coroutine.

◆ ComputeNewFill()

virtual float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.ComputeNewFill ( bool  lerpBar,
float  barSpeed,
float  barDuration,
AnimationCurve  barCurve,
float  delay,
float  lastPercent,
out float  t 

◆ DebugSetBar()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.DebugSetBar ( )

Test method

◆ DebugUpdateBar()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.DebugUpdateBar ( )

This test method, called via the inspector button of the same name, lets you test what happens when you update the bar to a certain value

◆ DetermineDeltaTime()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.DetermineDeltaTime ( )

◆ DetermineDirection()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.DetermineDirection ( )

◆ HideBar()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.HideBar ( float  delay)

Hides (SetActive false) the progress bar object, after an optional delay


◆ HideBarCo()

virtual IEnumerator MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.HideBarCo ( float  delay)

An internal coroutine used to handle the disabling of the progress bar after a delay


◆ Initialization()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.Initialization ( )

◆ Minus10Percent()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.Minus10Percent ( )

Test method - decreases the bar's current value by 10%

◆ Minus20Percent()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.Minus20Percent ( )

Test method - decreases the bar's current value by 20%

◆ OnEnable()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.OnEnable ( )

◆ Plus10Percent()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.Plus10Percent ( )

Test method - increases the bar's current value by 10%

◆ Plus20Percent()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.Plus20Percent ( )

Test method - increases the bar's current value by 20%

◆ SetBar()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.SetBar ( float  currentValue,
float  minValue,
float  maxValue 

Sets the bar value to the one specified


◆ SetBar01()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.SetBar01 ( float  newPercent)

Sets the bar value to the normalized value set in parameter


◆ SetBarInternal()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.SetBarInternal ( float  newAmount,
Transform  bar,
Image  image,
Vector2  initialSize 

◆ ShowBar()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.ShowBar ( )

A simple method you can call to show the bar (set active true)

◆ Start()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.Start ( )

On start we store our image component

◆ StoreInitialColor()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.StoreInitialColor ( )

◆ UpdateBar()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.UpdateBar ( float  currentValue,
float  minValue,
float  maxValue 

Updates the bar's values based on the specified parameters

currentValueCurrent value.
minValueMinimum value.
maxValueMax value.

◆ UpdateBar01()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.UpdateBar01 ( float  normalizedValue)

Updates the bar's values, using a normalized value


◆ UpdateBars()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.UpdateBars ( )

Updates the foreground bar's scale

◆ UpdateBarsCo()

virtual IEnumerator MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.UpdateBarsCo ( )

On Update we update our bars

◆ UpdateText()

virtual void MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.UpdateText ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ _actualUpdate

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._actualUpdate

◆ _anchorVector

Vector2 MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._anchorVector

◆ _coroutine

Coroutine MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._coroutine

◆ _coroutineShouldRun

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._coroutineShouldRun = false

◆ _delayedBarDecreasingProgress

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._delayedBarDecreasingProgress

◆ _delayedBarIncreasingProgress

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._delayedBarIncreasingProgress

◆ _delayedDecreasingImage

Image MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._delayedDecreasingImage

◆ _delayedIncreasingImage

Image MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._delayedIncreasingImage

◆ _deltaTime

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._deltaTime

◆ _direction

int MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._direction

◆ _foregroundImage

Image MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._foregroundImage

◆ _initialBarSize

Vector2 MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._initialBarSize

◆ _initialColor

Color MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._initialColor

◆ _initialized

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._initialized

◆ _initialScale

Vector3 MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._initialScale

◆ _isDelayedBarDecreasingNotNull

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._isDelayedBarDecreasingNotNull

◆ _isDelayedBarIncreasingNotNull

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._isDelayedBarIncreasingNotNull

◆ _isForegroundBarNotNull

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._isForegroundBarNotNull

◆ _isForegroundImageNotNull

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._isForegroundImageNotNull

◆ _isPercentageTextMeshProNotNull

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._isPercentageTextMeshProNotNull

◆ _isPercentageTextNotNull

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._isPercentageTextNotNull

◆ _lastUpdateTimestamp

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._lastUpdateTimestamp

◆ _newPercent

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._newPercent

◆ _percentLastTimeBarWasUpdated

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._percentLastTimeBarWasUpdated

◆ _targetLocalScale

Vector3 MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._targetLocalScale = Vector3.one

◆ _time

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._time

◆ _totalText

string MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._totalText

◆ _updatedText

string MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar._updatedText

◆ ApplyBumpIntensityMultiplier

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.ApplyBumpIntensityMultiplier = false

if this is true, the BumpIntensityMultiplier curve will be evaluated to apply a multiplier to the bump intensity

◆ BarDirection

BarDirections MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.BarDirection = BarDirections.LeftToRight

the direction this bar moves to

◆ BarFillMode

BarFillModes MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.BarFillMode = BarFillModes.SpeedBased

the selected fill animation mode

◆ BarProgress

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.BarProgress

the current progress of the bar, ideally read only

◆ BarTarget

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.BarTarget

the value towards which the bar is currently interpolating, ideally read only

◆ BumpColor

Color MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.BumpColor = Color.white

the color to apply to the bar when bumping

◆ BumpColorAnimationCurve

AnimationCurve MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.BumpColorAnimationCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(0, 0), new Keyframe(0.3f, 1f), new Keyframe(1, 0))

the curve to map the bump animation color animation on

◆ BumpDuration

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.BumpDuration = 0.2f

the duration of the bump animation

◆ BumpIntensityMultiplier

AnimationCurve MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.BumpIntensityMultiplier = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(-1, 1), new Keyframe(1, 1))

the curve to map the bump's intensity on. x is the delta of the bump, y is the associated multiplier

◆ BumpOnDecrease

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.BumpOnDecrease = false

whether or not the bar should bump when its value decreases

◆ BumpOnIncrease

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.BumpOnIncrease = false

whether or not the bar should bump when its value increases

◆ BumpScaleAnimationCurve

AnimationCurve MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.BumpScaleAnimationCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe(1, 1), new Keyframe(0.3f, 1.05f), new Keyframe(1, 1))

the curve to map the bump animation on

◆ BumpScaleOnChange

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.BumpScaleOnChange = true

whether or not the bar should "bump" when changing value

◆ ChangeColorWhenBumping

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.ChangeColorWhenBumping = true

whether or not the bar should flash when bumping

◆ CurrentState

MMProgressBarStates MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.CurrentState = MMProgressBarStates.Idle

◆ DebugNewTargetValue

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.DebugNewTargetValue

the value the bar will move to if you press the DebugSet button

◆ DebugSetBarButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.DebugSetBarButton

◆ DebugUpdateBarButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.DebugUpdateBarButton

◆ DecreasingDelay

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.DecreasingDelay = 1f

the delay before the delayed bar moves (in seconds)

◆ DelayedBarDecreasing

Transform MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.DelayedBarDecreasing

the delayed bar that will show when moving from a value to a new, lower value

◆ DelayedBarDecreasingProgress

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.DelayedBarDecreasingProgress

the current progress of the delayed bar decreasing

◆ DelayedBarIncreasing

Transform MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.DelayedBarIncreasing

the delayed bar that will show when moving from a value to a new, higher value

◆ DelayedBarIncreasingProgress

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.DelayedBarIncreasingProgress

the current progress of the delayed bar increasing

◆ DisplayTotal

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.DisplayTotal = false

whether or not to display the total after the current value

◆ FillMode

FillModes MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.FillMode = FillModes.LocalScale

the foreground bar's fill mode

◆ ForegroundBar

Transform MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.ForegroundBar

the main, foreground bar

◆ IncreasingDelay

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.IncreasingDelay = 1f

the delay before the delayed bar moves (in seconds)

◆ InitialFillValue

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.InitialFillValue = 0f

the initial value of the bar

◆ LerpDecreasingDelayedBar

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpDecreasingDelayedBar = true

whether or not the delayed bar's animation should lerp

◆ LerpDecreasingDelayedBarCurve

AnimationCurve MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpDecreasingDelayedBarCurve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)

the curve to use when animating the delayed bar fill

◆ LerpDecreasingDelayedBarDuration

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpDecreasingDelayedBarDuration = 0.2f

the duration each update of the foreground bar should take (only if in fixed duration bar fill mode)

◆ LerpDecreasingDelayedBarSpeed

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpDecreasingDelayedBarSpeed = 15f

the speed at which to lerp the delayed bar

◆ LerpForegroundBar

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpForegroundBar = true

whether or not the foreground bar should lerp

◆ LerpForegroundBarCurveDecreasing

AnimationCurve MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpForegroundBarCurveDecreasing = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)

the curve to use when animating the foreground bar fill decreasing

◆ LerpForegroundBarCurveIncreasing

AnimationCurve MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpForegroundBarCurveIncreasing = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)

the curve to use when animating the foreground bar fill increasing

◆ LerpForegroundBarDurationDecreasing

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpForegroundBarDurationDecreasing = 0.2f

the speed at which to lerp the foreground bar if speed is decreasing

◆ LerpForegroundBarDurationIncreasing

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpForegroundBarDurationIncreasing = 0.2f

the duration each update of the foreground bar should take (only if in fixed duration bar fill mode)

◆ LerpForegroundBarSpeedDecreasing

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpForegroundBarSpeedDecreasing = 15f

the speed at which to lerp the foreground bar

◆ LerpForegroundBarSpeedIncreasing

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpForegroundBarSpeedIncreasing = 15f

the speed at which to lerp the foreground bar if value is increasing

◆ LerpIncreasingDelayedBar

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpIncreasingDelayedBar = true

whether or not the delayed bar's animation should lerp

◆ LerpIncreasingDelayedBarCurve

AnimationCurve MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpIncreasingDelayedBarCurve = AnimationCurve.EaseInOut(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f)

the curve to use when animating the delayed bar fill

◆ LerpIncreasingDelayedBarDuration

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpIncreasingDelayedBarDuration = 0.2f

the duration each update of the foreground bar should take (only if in fixed duration bar fill mode)

◆ LerpIncreasingDelayedBarSpeed

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.LerpIncreasingDelayedBarSpeed = 15f

the speed at which to lerp the delayed bar

◆ MaximumBarFillValue

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.MaximumBarFillValue = 1f

the local scale or fillamount value to reach when the bar is full

◆ MinimumBarFillValue

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.MinimumBarFillValue = 0f

the local scale or fillamount value to reach when the value associated to the bar is at 0%

◆ Minus10PercentButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.Minus10PercentButton

◆ OnBarMovementDecreasingStart

UnityEvent MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.OnBarMovementDecreasingStart

an event to trigger every time the bar starts decreasing

◆ OnBarMovementDecreasingStop

UnityEvent MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.OnBarMovementDecreasingStop

an event to trigger every time the bar stops decreasing

◆ OnBarMovementIncreasingStart

UnityEvent MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.OnBarMovementIncreasingStart

an event to trigger every time the bar starts increasing

◆ OnBarMovementIncreasingStop

UnityEvent MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.OnBarMovementIncreasingStop

an event to trigger every time the bar stops increasing

◆ OnBump

UnityEvent MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.OnBump

an event to trigger every time the bar bumps

◆ OnBumpIntensity

UnityEvent<float> MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.OnBumpIntensity

an event to trigger every time the bar bumps, with its bump intensity (based on BumpDeltaMultiplier) in parameter

◆ PercentageText

Text MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.PercentageText

a Text object to update with the bar's value

◆ PlayerID

string MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.PlayerID

optional - the ID of the player associated to this bar

◆ Plus10PercentButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.Plus10PercentButton

◆ SetInitialFillValueOnStart

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.SetInitialFillValueOnStart = false

whether or not to initialize the value of the bar on start

◆ StoreBarColorOnPlay

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.StoreBarColorOnPlay = true

whether or not to store the initial bar color before a bump

◆ TestBumpButton

bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.TestBumpButton

◆ TextFormat

string MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.TextFormat = "{000}"

the format in which the text should display

◆ TextPrefix

string MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.TextPrefix

a prefix to always add to the bar's value display

◆ TextSuffix

string MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.TextSuffix

a suffix to always add to the bar's value display

◆ TextValueMultiplier

float MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.TextValueMultiplier = 1f

a value multiplier to always apply to the bar's value when displaying it

◆ TimeScale

TimeScales MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.TimeScale = TimeScales.UnscaledTime

defines whether the bar will work on scaled or unscaled time (whether or not it'll keep moving if time is slowed down for example)

◆ TotalSeparator

string MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.TotalSeparator = " / "

if DisplayTotal is true, the separator to put between the current value and the total

Property Documentation

◆ Bumping

virtual bool MoreMountains.Tools.MMProgressBar.Bumping
getprotected set

whether or not the bar is bumping right now

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